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An intelligent choice: AI plans menus at Finnish restaurants

The algorithm plans a multi-week changing menu in less than two minutes, whereas it may take the restaurant manager several hours to complete the same task.


Menu planning is a task that typically takes several hours of manpower. A new AI solution from Finland sees the process streamlined to mere minutes.

Finnish companies Antell and Silo AI have developed a tool that analyses restaurant-specific data, such as portion sizes, special diets and consumption of different dishes, in order to plan menus. The algorithm-based solution is being piloted at Antell’s staff restaurants around Finland.

“Optimisation helps us serve food that is even better tailored to our customers’ needs, reduces waste and allows our restaurant managers to focus on customer service,” said Antell CEO Tomi Lantto. “We have always planned menus specifically for each restaurant, and AI makes this even more efficient.”

Silo AI was tasked with the technical development of the algorithm, which groups recipes and optimises menus based on the variables set by the user.

AI has massive potential in the restaurant industry, believes Antell CEO Tomi Lantto.

“Antell’s revolutionary AI tool lays a foundation for data-based, optimised decision-making to boost competitiveness in the restaurant industry,” commented Karthik Sindhya, senior AI scientist at Silo AI.

Eight Antell restaurants are currently piloting the menu optimisation solution, and the solution will eventually roll out to 70 Antell restaurants around the country.

“I was surprised by the innovativeness and variety of the AI-generated menu,” observed Piia Eliasson, restaurant manager of Helsinki’s Antell Kuohu, one of the restaurants taking part in the pilot. “It was amazing how precisely the system could predict the amount of food our customers eat. The tool will be an excellent colleague for us.”

The news comes on the heels of a flurry of activity for Silo AI. The company recently announcedthat it is opening an office in Vancouver, Canada. Silo AI currently has offices in four Finnish cities, as well as Stockholm, Copenhagen and London.

By: James O’Sullivan